Steffes Group Inc.
PreviewOctober 24 - 25, 2024, 3:00PM - 9:00PMThursday, October 24th & Friday, October 25th from 10:00AM to 4:00PM
LoadoutSaturday, November 2nd to Monday, November 4th from 8:00AM to 4:00PM- Will load local buyers after completion of auction.
Auctioneer's Note
Selling 250 +/- head of elite registered Jersey Dairy Cattle. Herd is ranked #1 for milk and protein and 10th for fat in the nation. Watch website for more details coming soon.
Regulation Testing:
  •  Bovine tuberculosis (TB) testing was conducted for all dairy cattle greater than two months of age and reported negative on October 11, 2024. Results remain current for 60 days following the testing.
  •  Bird Flu testing is currently scheduled for Monday, November 4, 2024, for all out-of-state lactating dairy cattle purchased. Results are anticipated on Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Due to potential updates in regulatory guidelines, testing procedures and timeline of results are not guaranteed. 
Registry Information: 
  • All cattle are recognized by the American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA). The majority of cattle are identified with a “Certificate of Registration,” while the remaining have a “Certificate of Identification.” At the time of purchase individual cattle certificates will be released to the buyer. The buyer will assume responsibility for all certificate submissions and transfer fees.
  • All cattle that hold a “Certificate of Identification” have been noted in each individual lot, along with a notation on each Performance Pedigree in the sale day catalog.
Vaccination Protocols
Bovi-Shield 9 Way
Eprinex Dewormer
DryOff & Springing heifers
J-Vac 2X
EndoVac Dairy 2X
Scour Gard 4KC 2X
Inforce 3 at birth
Calf Guard at birth
Nasal Gen 3 PMH 2 times
Bangs Vacc
Bovi Shield at Bangs Vacc and 2 months later
W8866 Cemetery Road, Sharon, WI 53585
ABSENTEE: Friday, October 25
LIVE: Friday, November 1, beginning at 10:00AM CDT
WEBCAST: Friday, November 1, beginning at 10:00AM CDT
Randy Kath at Steffes Group, (701) 429-8894
Bob Hart at Steffes Group, (608) 780-4587