Brad OlstadDirector of Agriculture
Brad works as a Director of Agriculture and started with Steffes Group in 1978 with his uncle, Bob Steffes, and continues to work with the company over 44 years later. Originally from Page, ND, he now lives on Big Floyd Lake in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, with his wife, Erin. Brad started and grew a farm operation that his son now runs, as well as started a rental company. Brad specializes in farm equipment and land sales and serves the Upper Midwest. Brad attended North Dakota State University, in addition to the World Wide College of Auctioneering in Mason City, IA. Brad is a past President of the North Dakota Auctioneers Association, a former North Dakota Auctioneers Association Champion Auctioneer, a former Director and President for the North Dakota Jaycees, and a member of the National Auctioneers Association. When not at work, Brad enjoys hiking, snow skiing, water activities, photography, and spending time with his family. Brad and Erin have six children and twelve grandchildren, ranging from 5 months to 18 years.
Specialty: Agriculture